Monthly Archives: May 2011

Cloth napkins from a vintage sheet


One of the easiest projects to make from old bed sheets is cloth napkins.

I found a green floral beauty at a yard sale and paid $.10 for it since the middle was completely worn through.

I cut the best parts into 9, 15X15 inch squares, double folded the edges and stitched.

Super easy and frugal!

~Also in this picture: half a dozen gray t-shirt napkins, half a dozen white dot napkins obtained at auction for  $1, and half a dozen black dot napkins made from a cut of fabric I got in a birthday present fabric basket~

Boy’s pants to boy’s shorts for free


First I want to apologize and explain why I’ve been neglecting my blog. My two digital cameras were stolen. Unfortunately I’d uploaded the project pictures(and baby pictures too *o* ) onto my laptop, which was also stolen.  Mean people stink.  Anyway, I got my replacement camera yesterday and set to work snapping pics of my sewing again.

I’m really excited to get some posts up! I’ll even have a two tutorials for you all in June. One is a baby’s swaddle wrap from a t-shirt and the other is reusable swiffer dusters.

So, my 8 year old son is growing like a weed, up but not out. So his Winter jeans and khaki’s still fit his waist but not his length. So I cut them and hemmed them. Not terribly original but a way to save $20 on shorts this summer. 😀