Monthly Archives: January 2009



I thought I’d have to spend all morning learning how to adjust my serger to do rolled hems but I was amazed to discover that it took 5 minutes. Wow. (I have a Brother 1034D, btw) So I cut out 16, 10.25 X 10.25 inch squares of the lightest weight fabric in my stash and serged away.  It took about 2 hours start to finish to make them, only because the rolled hem stitching is so dense. I’d like to make at least 14 more.


Yoga Mat Carrier Bag


Now that we have hardwood flooring instead of carpet in the living room, doing any floor exercise, including Yoga on the Wii Fit is pretty painful. I put a yoga mat on my b-day wish list and specified that it be in gray, white, cream or brown as to blend in with our new living room color scheme.

Dh bought me a bright pink one. At least it was a Black Friday special lol! I refuse to put anything in there that doesn’t match my color scheme. I’ve always, ALWAYS had mismatched piece-y rooms and I can’t stand it anymore!

My solution was to make a bag that matched the room so I can store the mat where I use it. I had a gray pant leg in my clothes to reconstruct bin. Trimmed it into a straight rectangle, added stability straps and carrying handle, sewed it into a tube, added a circular bottom and made a drawstring top.


Let me know what you think. 🙂